4D Arte Rupestre


Multidisciplinary research team focused on investigation, recording, digitizing and dissemination of rock art.

More about us


4D Arte Rupestre has born as a multidisciplinary research team at the beginning of 2013, headed by the archaeologist Juan F. Ruiz. This team, ever growing since then, is made of more than fifteen researchers and professionals of several universities and research institutes: archaeologists, restorers, digital image professionals, engineers, geologists, chemists, biologists, etc.
Everyone of us is actively involved in the research and application of cutting-edge technologies and new methodologies to study prehistoric rock art. This comprehensive approach has been carried out up to now in twenty two sites distributed over the eastern half of the Iberian Peninsula.
Our aims are to contribute to the hard task of rock art preservation, improving of the recording techniques, and increasing public awareness and dissemination of the graphic forms of communication of Prehistory.

Our Services

Digital Imaging

Recording of rock art sites by means of high-resolution photography, macrophotography, microphotography, infrared, ultraviolet, thermal image, etc…

Laboratory analysis

Laboratory or non-invasive characterization of pigments, bedrocks, crusts, biological communities, by Raman spectroscopy, pXRF, etc…

3D Modeling

By close range photogrammetry techniques, diachronic analyses, rock art sites virtualization, etc…

Dissemination and training

Rock art sites studies, exhibitions, publishing, training for professionals, etc…

Our Team

Juan F. Ruiz

Archaeologist, Director, photographer, photogrammetry, etc

Elia Quesada

Archaeologist, photography, photogrammetry, image analysis

José Pereira

Cultural Heritage Restorer and conservator specialist in digital imaging

Ramiro Alloza

Químico, termografía

Rubén Pérez

Ingeniero, termografía

María Sebastián

Archaeologist, geographer, remote-sensing y SIG

Africa Pitarch

Geologist, especialista en bienes culturales

Maite Maguregui


Silvia Fernández


Juan Carlos Lorente

Photographer, computer developer

Antonio Dólera


We also work with: Irantzu Martínez, Chemist; Juan Manuel Madariaga, Chemist; Anastasia Giakoumaki, Chemist; Josep Gisbert, Biologist, mycologist, specialist in cultural heritage y Antonio Gómez, Biologist, Lichens Specialist in cultural heritage

Keep in touch with us!

If you are interested in rock art, or need our services, we are sure to follow us on social networks or contact us